Monday, June 24, 2013

Being Single In The New Millennium

What Is On The Horizon For Sheila’s Blog?

Sheila’s J Blog has been dedicated to informing her readers on living single in today’s society, and maintaining Christian values and beliefs. In the past Sheila’s J Blog featured the hottest spots to meet other single people in the local area, the most popular dating web-site and the precautionary measures needed when dating on-line.

In the upcoming months Sheila’s J Blog have a lot of exciting things planned for her readers. The blog will continue to focus on living single in today’s society, and maintaining Christian value and beliefs, but in addition, each week for the next six months the blog will feature books, quotes, hyperlinks to other websites, videos clips, and vivid pictures of exciting places to visit in the metro area. 
So log in each week to see what is on the horizon for Sheila's J Blog.

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