Saturday, May 25, 2013

Being Single in the New Millennium

The Hottest Spot in St. Louis This Weekend

The hottest spot this Memorial Day weekend is the BARcelona in Clayton, Mo. It is know for its creative cocktails and fun spirited atomsphere. Located at:

BARcelona Tapas Restaurant
34 North Central Ave
Clayton Mo. 63105

This is the place for singles to mix and mingle and enjoy the holiday.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Being Single In The New Millennium

Being Single In The New Millennium
Waiting in the New Millennium is for all age groups because it is a choice that is important, and if you are destine to be single for the remaining of your life, remember it is your decision to wait.
Click to view video

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Being Single But Living A Christian Life

The last blog focused on the pressures that generation "Y" go through with not having a boy friend or girlfriend, but generation "Y" is not the only generation that go through the pressures of not having that special someone. In today's society all generations are experiencing the pressures of being single.

Today we are going to continue by focusing on peer pressure among adults. Even though divorce is 3.6 per every 1,000 couples  in United States, society still make you feel that being single is taboo. Friends, family members, co-workers always want to introduce you to someone; send you on a blind date, guilt you into being with someone that is not right for you. So what do we do, hook up with someone because of the peer pressure. However, that person is making you feel more miserable than being alone.

As in the previous blog, waiting has proven to be better than being with someone that is not equally yoked. Someone that have different dreams, values and most importantly Christian beliefs and this video clearly expresses that sentiment.

Click link:

Work Cited

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Places for Singles to Meet

Places for Singles to Meet

Due to technology the process of dating has change tremendously, no longer are people required to meet face to face to find their true soul mate. Due to the Internet, people are finding love across the globe.

Dating on-line websites are becoming more and more popular in our fast paced world. For those who balance a career, children, and school, on-line dating is the perfect fit. There are many on-line dating websites for all types of people. The top ten on-line dating websites are:
Social media is (Facebook) also a common place to meet that special someone. What was once a common meeting place; the church socials, the local bars, and the personal ads in the local newspapers are almost passe. In the new millennium, the Internet has taken front and center stage.

Being Single But Living A Christian Life

Today I had an opportunity to talk to several young Christian men and women, and I poised the question, 'is it difficult to date in today's society, and if so why?" From the answers collected, it was an unanimous yes because of the expectations that people have of one another. For many young people, intimacy is very important in a relationship, and if you are not willing to have that type of relationship a lot of young people are not interested. Some openly admitted, succumbing to the pressures of not having a girlfriend or boyfriend, but soon regretted not following their Christian faith.

I also asked, "what would they do differently", and most said, "WAIT until I met the right man or woman, and get married." As I listen to generation "Y" speak about living single in today's society, many things have changed from the days of old. Back in the day, intimacy was not spoken of so freely, and young men and women did not openly feel deprive if they were pure.

Despite the fact times have changed, the consequence of being with the wrong person is still the same. For those who did not wait, wished they had.

Selena J - If It Pleases The King

Being Happy and Single

Being Happy and Single

Being single in today's society is not the end of the world because you can be happy in the new millennium if you are pleased with yourself. Realizing the good qualities about oneself is the first step to being happy and single. Confidence is a quality that everyone can see, and if you show confidence people will start to notice.

Start by making a list of all the things that are great about yourself. Whether it is your smile, your graceful dancing abilities or just the way you care for other people; these are things that make you stand out. Think of the compliments people pay to you each and every day. The kind things that you do for people, the way you dress and carry yourself. These are just a few examples, but list 15 good qualities you like about yourself.

Lastly, be grateful for the things that you have in your life, and never envy what others have because your blessings are just for you. Be happy in your own skin.