Sunday, May 5, 2013

Being Single But Living A Christian Life

Today I had an opportunity to talk to several young Christian men and women, and I poised the question, 'is it difficult to date in today's society, and if so why?" From the answers collected, it was an unanimous yes because of the expectations that people have of one another. For many young people, intimacy is very important in a relationship, and if you are not willing to have that type of relationship a lot of young people are not interested. Some openly admitted, succumbing to the pressures of not having a girlfriend or boyfriend, but soon regretted not following their Christian faith.

I also asked, "what would they do differently", and most said, "WAIT until I met the right man or woman, and get married." As I listen to generation "Y" speak about living single in today's society, many things have changed from the days of old. Back in the day, intimacy was not spoken of so freely, and young men and women did not openly feel deprive if they were pure.

Despite the fact times have changed, the consequence of being with the wrong person is still the same. For those who did not wait, wished they had.

Selena J - If It Pleases The King

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