Sunday, May 12, 2013

Being Single But Living A Christian Life

The last blog focused on the pressures that generation "Y" go through with not having a boy friend or girlfriend, but generation "Y" is not the only generation that go through the pressures of not having that special someone. In today's society all generations are experiencing the pressures of being single.

Today we are going to continue by focusing on peer pressure among adults. Even though divorce is 3.6 per every 1,000 couples  in United States, society still make you feel that being single is taboo. Friends, family members, co-workers always want to introduce you to someone; send you on a blind date, guilt you into being with someone that is not right for you. So what do we do, hook up with someone because of the peer pressure. However, that person is making you feel more miserable than being alone.

As in the previous blog, waiting has proven to be better than being with someone that is not equally yoked. Someone that have different dreams, values and most importantly Christian beliefs and this video clearly expresses that sentiment.

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