Sunday, May 5, 2013

Being Happy and Single

Being Happy and Single

Being single in today's society is not the end of the world because you can be happy in the new millennium if you are pleased with yourself. Realizing the good qualities about oneself is the first step to being happy and single. Confidence is a quality that everyone can see, and if you show confidence people will start to notice.

Start by making a list of all the things that are great about yourself. Whether it is your smile, your graceful dancing abilities or just the way you care for other people; these are things that make you stand out. Think of the compliments people pay to you each and every day. The kind things that you do for people, the way you dress and carry yourself. These are just a few examples, but list 15 good qualities you like about yourself.

Lastly, be grateful for the things that you have in your life, and never envy what others have because your blessings are just for you. Be happy in your own skin.

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